Transitioning from Summer to Fall - What Should I Consider with Impaction Colic in Horses?
Fall is approaching and with it, cooler weather and a shift in pasture availability and moisture content. When temperatures start to decrease, some horses have a tendency to drink less; coupled with eating less moisture dense pasture and more dry hay, this transition can sometimes bring on impaction colic. Diagnosed early, impaction colic usually can be treated and resolved without...
Feeding Horses During Disasters
Horses are routine animals and there are known rules we all abide by when feeding our horses, and one of those is to avoid making rapid feeding changes as this can upset the hindgut microbiome and cause diarrhea and gastric upset. Unfortunately, there are sometimes circumstances beyond our control, such as natural disasters. Flood, wildfires, hurricanes and tornadoes are common natural disasters...
What Is Oat Grass Hay and How Can It Benefit Horses?
Oats are a type of cereal crop grown for the seed/grain. Oat grains have been fed to livestock for centuries and have long been a sought-after source of energy for horses. Oats are high in starch and fiber, and while most horses consume and digest them easily, many horses don’t due to their high starch content. Oat plants grown as a cereal crop produce a seed/grain as they mature and energy stores...
Grocery Shopping for Thumper
Can I feed my rabbit fresh vegetables and fruits from the grocery store? The answer is a qualified YES. Kudos to you for looking into feeding fresh for your small companion animal. Feeding fresh can deliver some of the essential nutrients but also provides a necessary life enrichment activity for the animal. So… what does a qualified YES mean? Well, there is a number of vegetables and fruits you...
What Type of Hay Should I Feed My Horse?
It can be confusing knowing what type of hay to feed horses and other livestock. We pulled together some of the more common questions we hear about feeding hay, from horse and livestock owners. Did we get your question answered? Check them out below! 6 Common Questions About Feeding Hay and Different Varieties 1.) What are the differences between types of hay? There are so many varieties of hay,...