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New Name, Same Premium Product – Introducing “Smart Beet”

New Name, Same Premium Product – Introducing “Smart Beet”

What is beet pulp?

Beet pulp is a by-product of the sugar industry. Sugar is extracted from the beet leaving the pulp. The sugar finds its way into foods and grocery stores, while the pulp is used as an ingredient in animal feeds (less than 5% sugar). Beetpulp is rich in fiber and is unique in its form, as it is soluble fiber and highly digestible.

Why change the name from “Beet Pulp” to
“Smart Beet”?

Our Standlee Premium Beet Pulp Pellets and Shreds are made up of dried pulp and Concentrated Separator By-Product (CSB). CSB is a secondary molasses produced during the separation of sugar from regular sugar beet molasses. It contains most of the molasses components but is lower in sugar content than ordinary molasses. See our FAQs on the Standlee website to learn more.

Due to labeling regulations in select states requiring products with more than one ingredient to not have a single ingredient name (i.e., Beet Pulp), we have changed only the name to “Smart Beet.” Everything else is the same, from the quality ingredients used, to the incredible benefits of adding beet pulp to horse and livestock feed programs.

Smart Beet Pellets and Shreds Example

What are the same great benefits of feeding Standlee Premium Smart Beet to horses and
other livestock?

  • High-calorie fiber source – Smart Beet is a high calorie, low protein, low sugar fiber source ideal for horses, cattle, goats and sheep.
  • Smart Beet is a “super fiber” – The fiber is soluble, so it is more readily digestible than pasture, hay or chaff. This allows it to provide digestible energy similar to that of good quality hay and grains. Sourcing energy from soluble fiber as opposed to energy from starches and sugars.
  • Safe option for helping with weight gain - Grains, such as oats, corn, and barley, are digested in the horse's small intestine. If too much grain is fed in a single meal, it can result in undigested grain passing into the large intestine. Undigested grain can ferment and potentially cause digestive disorders such as colic or laminitis. As a fiber source, Smart Beet is digested in the large intestine, where hay is digested.

Contact Standlee Customer Support or our nutrition experts at 800-398-0819 with any questions!

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