Ep. 090: Prevent Digestive Trouble - Why Consistency in Feeding Horses Matters
Co-hosts Dr. Tania Cubitt and Katy Starr discuss the importance of feeding horses on a schedule and being consistent with what horses are...
BONUS - Supplement with Standlee – Adding High Quality Hay to Your Horse’s Diet
Co-hosts Dr. Tania Cubitt and Katy Starr discuss the benefits of supplementing a horse’s current diet with high quality hay and the Supplement on Standlee Feed...
Ep. 088: NSC, Sugars, Starches, Fructans – Are They Good or Bad for Horses?
Co-host Katy Starr and guest expert Dr. Stephen Duren, PhD, MS, PAS discuss the confusing terminology of NSC, WSC, ESC, sugars, starches, and fructans, what they all mean and how they impact horse...
Ep. 087: Is Your Horse Deficient? The Critical Role of Vitamin A and E in Their Diet
Co-hosts Dr. Tania Cubitt and Katy Starr discuss the critical role of vitamin A and vitamin E in horse diets and how to tell if they’re...
Ep. 086: Do Hay Nets Harm Your Horse’s Teeth? What the Research Says
Co-hosts Dr. Tania Cubitt and Katy Starr and guest Dr. Michelle DeBoer discuss using hay nets for horses and the impact on their teeth and body weight, based on scientific...
Ep. 085: What is Horse Cribbing and How Can I Prevent It?
Co-hosts Dr. Tania Cubitt and Katy Starr discuss horse cribbing and how to prevent...
Ep. 084: How to Help Your Horse with Cushing’s Disease
Co-hosts Dr. Tania Cubitt and Katy Starr discuss Cushing’s disease in horses, including symptoms and how to help manage it with...
Ep. 083: What We’ve Learned About Equine Nutrition and How It Can Help Your Horse
Co-host Katy Starr chats with guest expert Dr. Stephen Duren, PhD, MS, PAS about how we used to feed horses and how scientific research has changed the way we feed our...
Ep. 082: Understanding How Horses Eat and Its Impact on Dental Health with Dr. Stephanie Bonin
Co-hosts Dr. Tania Cubitt and Katy Starr chat with Dr. Stephanie Bonin, a principal and senior biomechanical engineer, about her research on how horses chew and how certain feeds impact dental management...
Ep. 081: What Type of Salt Does My Horse Need?
Co-hosts Dr. Tania Cubitt and Katy Starr discuss salt requirements for horses, including what type of salt they...
Ep. 074: How to Prevent Gastric Issues by Supporting the Horse's Gut Microbiome
On this episode, co-host Katy Starr and guest expert Dr. Stephen Duren, PhD, MS, PAS discuss healing a horse’s damaged digestive system with a grain-free...
Ep. 073: Navigating the Diet Struggle: Feeding Your Carb Sensitive Horse
On this episode, co-host Katy Starr and guest expert Dr. Stephen Duren, PhD, MS, PAS discuss the struggles carbohydrate sensitive performance horses and their owners experience, along with a grain-free feed...
Ep. 072: How Horses Stay Warm in the Winter & Proper Blanket Management for Health and Safety
On this part two episode, co-hosts Dr. Tania Cubitt and Katy Starr and guest Dr. Michelle DeBoer continue their discussion about how horses keep themselves warm and the hot topic of blanketing...
Ep. 071: Does My Horse Need a Blanket in the Winter? What the Research Says
Co-hosts Dr. Tania Cubitt and Katy Starr and guest Dr. Michelle DeBoer discuss whether or not horses actually need blankets in the winter, based on scientific...
Ep. 070: The Reason Why Your Horse Has a Poor Topline
Co-hosts Dr. Tania Cubitt and Katy Starr discuss the causes of poor topline in horses and nutrition solutions to...
Ep. 069: The Consequences of Ignoring Vitamins & Minerals for Horses
Co-hosts Dr. Tania Cubitt and Katy Starr discuss the function of the most important vitamins and minerals for horses, along with how they’re absorbed and how they interact with each...
Ep. 065: What Can Happen If Horses Don’t Drink Enough Water
Co-hosts Dr. Tania Cubitt and Katy Starr discuss how important water is to horses, how to identify signs of dehydration and...
Ep. 064: Poisonous Plant Species Horses NEED to Avoid
Co-hosts Dr. Tania Cubitt and Katy Starr chat with guest Dr. Krishona Martinson about the most common poisonous plant species to...
Ep. 063: What You Are Feeding Your Horse and Why it Matters
Three key changes on the front of Standlee packaging that will undoubtedly help horse and livestock owners better understand what they see on their farm and ranch retail store shelf and what they’re buying for their...
Ep. 062: Equine Science Society Symposium Presentation Highlights
On this episode, co-host Katy Starr and guest expert Dr. Stephen Duren, PhD, MS, PAS, discuss current research that was presented at the 2023 Equine Science Society Symposium held in Grapevine,...
Ep. 061: The Key to Getting the Most Out of Your Horse Pasture
On this episode, co-hosts Dr. Tania Cubitt and Katy Starr interview Penn State Equine Extension Educator, Laura Kenny about how to know if your pasture is adequate, if improvements need to be made, or if it’s a total loss that needs to start over through pasture evaluation techniques. They also discuss foxtail, including what it is, how to identify it and differentiate it from timothy grass, and...
Ep. 060: The Truth About Horses with Hay Belly
On this episode, co-hosts Dr. Tania Cubitt and Katy Starr discuss what a true hay belly is in horses, as it is not well understood by many horse owners. They dive further into detail including ruling out pregnancy and parasites to determine if it’s a hay belly, as well as the specific cause and how to get rid of it and improve your horse’s...
Ep. 059: What I Wish I Would’ve Known as a First-Time Horse Owner
Co-hosts Dr. Tania Cubitt and Katy Starr reached out to more seasoned horse owners about what they wish they would have known when they first started with horses to discuss their feedback and experiences. The importance of building certain relationships, not overwhelming yourself with too much, nutrition tips that will set you up for success and so much...
Ep. 057: How to Prevent and Manage Laminitis
Co-hosts Dr. Tania Cubitt and Katy Starr discuss laminitis in horses, including what is laminitis, what is the difference between laminitis and founder, causes of laminitis, how to feed a horse with laminitis and so much...
Ep. 056: How to Improve Your Horse’s Diet - Including 4 Example Horse Diets Balanced by Dr. Cubitt
Co-hosts Dr. Tania Cubitt and Katy Starr discuss how to improve your horse’s diet with premium quality forage if your main supply is a local hay. Dr. Cubitt balances four example diets, as if she were working with a client’s trail riding, dressage, barrel racing, or senior horse. She also walks through an average quality local hay analysis, and what she can add to fully balance the diet to meet...
Ep. 054: What is Leaky Gut in Horses, and Can It Be Prevented?
Co-hosts Dr. Tania Cubitt and Katy Starr discuss leaky gut syndrome in horses, including the type of horses that are more at risk, symptoms, causes and treatment for leaky gut and management tips to implement to prevent leaky gut from developing in...
Ep. 053: Critical Nutrients for Healthy Foal Growth and What Can Happen If They Don’t Get Them
Co-host Katy Starr and guest expert Dr. Stephen Duren, PhD, MS, PAS discuss the critical nutrients foals need for proper growth, including: • The negative impact of certain nutrient deficiencies or excess of those nutrients • The most common nutritional growth disorders and how to avoid them • What foals can and should consume within their first year of life, in order to meet their growth...
Ep. 052: Why Your Horse is Overweight, and You Probably Don’t Know It
Co-hosts Dr. Tania Cubitt and Katy Starr discuss what it means to have an overweight horse including a few points listed below: • How can we determine if our horse is overweight? • What is the best type of exercise for an overweight or obese horse? • Can overweight or obese horses be allowed to graze in a pasture? Also, the winter season offers a secret advantage, that just might be able to...
Ep. 050: Top 10 Most Common Feeding Mistakes Horse Owners Make
Co-hosts Dr. Tania Cubitt and Katy Starr discuss the top 10 most common feeding mistakes horse owners make according to Dr. Cubitt's experience as a PhD equine nutritionist. Starting off with a few honorable mentions, they countdown the list to the number one most common feeding mistake horse owners make. Minor spoiler alert - a number of these mistakes end up costing horse owners more money than...
Ep. 049: 12 of the Best Episodes that Horse Owners Can’t Stop Listening To
Co-hosts Dr. Tania Cubitt and Katy Starr discuss Beyond the Barn podcast listeners’ top 12 absolute favorite episodes so far related to horse nutrition and feeding horses....
Ep. 048: Beet Pulp – What Is It and Why Do Horses Need It?
Co-hosts Dr. Tania Cubitt and Katy Starr discuss anything and everything you’d ever want to know about beet pulp....
Ep. 047: How Properly Balancing Your Horse’s Diet Can SAVE You Money in the Long Run!
Co-hosts Dr. Tania Cubitt and Katy Starr discuss the importance of balancing a horse's diet including: • Can horse's meet their nutritional requirements on a forage-only diet? • What are the initial discovery questions Dr. Cubitt asks horse owners to determine how to start balancing a diet? • What can happen to a horse on a high forage/low concentrate diet vs a low forage/high concentrate...
Ep. 045: Why Skipping a Hay Analysis Could Cost More Money in the Long Run with Sarah Fessenden
Co-hosts Dr. Tania Cubitt and Katy Starr have an enlightening conversation with special guest Sarah Fessenden, Business Development Manager for the forage and soils laboratories of Dairy One and Equi-Analytical about: • Why it’s critical to get a representative hay sample when testing • The difference between ‘as sampled’ and ‘dry matter’ • What to do with the results you receive from a hay...
Ep. 041: You Want to Feed Your Horse What?!
Co-hosts Dr. Tania Cubitt and Katy Starr discuss the non-traditional type things people like to or have heard of others feeding their...
Ep. 039: Feeding Tips for Short Travel with Horses and What It Takes to Fly Internationally
Co-host Katy Starr chats with equine nutritionist, Dr. Stephen Duren, PhD, MS, PAS about traveling domestically what international travel is like with horses, including: • What are the physiological effects of horses during transport? • Should we feed our horses the morning of a trip? • What can we do if we can’t get our horse to drink water when traveling? • How is preparation for international...
Ep. 026: What Format of Hay Should I Feed My Horse and Why Does It Matter?
Co-hosts Dr. Tania Cubitt and Katy Starr chat about the minimum, normal and maximum forage intake for horses, different forage formats - what are pellets, cubes, chopped and long-stem and their purpose, and are there nutritional or digestibility differences between formats. Have any topics you want to hear more about? Let us know at...
Ep. 025: How to Plan for Hay Needs and Useful Storage Tips to Avoid Hay Loss
Co-hosts Dr. Tania Cubitt and Katy Starr chat about how to figure out how much hay you’ll need through the cold, winter months, how much space you need to plan for to store hay, and how long properly stored hay will...
Ep. 024: Why Horses Need to Be Fed Differently During Winter
On this episode, co-hosts Dr. Tania Cubitt and Katy Starr chat about the following what a horse's "lower critical temperature" is, do all horses need to be blanketed in the winter, and what the BEST thing is to feed horses to help keep them warm during colder months of the...
Ep. 023: Horse Feeding Myths - What's Wrong and What's Right?
Co-hosts Dr. Tania Cubitt and Katy Starr chat about many different so-called equine feeding...
Ep. 021: Nutritional Deficiencies in Horses and When You Need to Worry
Co-hosts Dr. Tania Cubitt and Katy Starr chat about the 6 essential types of nutrients that are required for horses to survive and be healthy, what nutrients tie up others preventing them from being utilized in the body, and what happens when horses are deficient in specific...
Ep. 019: Protecting National Lands with Certified Noxious Weed Free Forage and Straw
Co-host Katy Starr chats with Dr. Stephen Duren, Ph.D., MS, PAS about what certified noxious weeds are and why are they so bad for the...
Ep. 017: How Can Nutrition Management Minimize the Risk of Gastric Ulcers?
Co-hosts Dr. Tania Cubitt and Katy Starr discuss how proper nutrition management can minimize the risk of a horse developing gastric...
Ep. 016: Am I Feeding My Horse the Wrong Type of Hay?
Co-hosts Dr. Tania Cubitt and Katy Starr discuss the question, “Am I Feeding My Horse the Wrong Type of Hay?” including grass (warm and cool season) hays versus legume hays, if we should feed one type of hay or multiple types of hay to our horses, and the pros and cons of teff, coastal bermuda, tifton, fescue, timothy, orchard grasses and...
Ep. 015: How Proper Nutrition Management Can Decrease Your Horse’s Risk of Colic
Co-hosts Dr. Tania Cubitt and Katy Starr chat about every horse owner’s worst nightmare,...
Ep. 014: How Can I Keep My Horse from Eating Too Much or Too Fast?
On this episode, co-hosts Dr. Tania Cubitt and Katy Starr chat about what can happen if a horse overeats, how we can encourage our horses to extend eating time versus eating too fast, and how to limit stress when using slow feed...
Ep. 010: What to Do When You Run Out of Hay
Co-hosts Dr. Cubitt and Katy chat about hay alternative options for horses that travel for shows, if your winter supply is running out or to proactively prepare yourself if you ever experience a natural disaster....
Ep. 008: Alfalfa Misconceptions – Myth vs. Truth Part II
Co-hosts Dr. Cubitt and Katy discuss questions listeners and followers have sent in about alfalfa misconceptions and feeding alfalfa to horses. A few of the questions we cover in this episode are “Can alfalfa help horses with gastric ulcers? What is the best form (pellets, cubes. etc.) of alfalfa to feed if there isn't access to baled? Can too much alfalfa cause uroliths?” and more....
Ep. 007: Alfalfa Misconceptions – Myth vs. Truth Part I
Co-hosts Dr. Cubitt and Katy discuss questions listeners and followers have sent in about alfalfa misconceptions and feeding alfalfa to horses. A few of the questions we cover in this episode are “Does alfalfa make horses hyper from the protein? Will it make horses ‘hot’? Will too much protein from alfalfa and feed cause gas colic? Does alfalfa make horses urinate more?” and more....
Ep. 006: Successful Strategies to Help Limit NSC (aka Sugars and Starches) in Horse Diets
Co-hosts Dr. Cubitt and Katy discuss strategies to help limit non-structural carbohydrates (NSC) in diets for horses sensitive to sugars and starches, including what time of day is best to turn horses out to graze, if a grazing muzzle should be used, when hay should be soaked and drained off and when it won’t help, and forage recommendation scenarios for these types of horses who are underweight...
Ep. 005: Are Horses Carbohydrate Sensitive?
Co-hosts Dr. Cubitt and Katy breakdown structural and non-structural carbohydrates and discuss what carbohydrate sensitivity is as it relates to horses, metabolic diseases associated with carbohydrate sensitivity, equines more prone to these diseases, how to tell if your horse may have an issue with consuming too many sugars and starches and when to get your veterinarian...
Ep. 003: Why Horses Need to Eat Fiber
Co-hosts Dr. Cubitt and Katy discuss the uniqueness of the horse’s digestive system, how much hay a horse needs to consume, how much additional hay your horse needs when it gets cold, windy and/or rainy, if certain types of hay are more digestible than others and if you should feed your horse hay or grain first....
Ep. 001: Oh Hay! When you’re here, you’re family.
We’re excited to have you join us on this new journey, Beyond the...