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Ep. 032: A Race to Beat the Extinction of Heritage Breeds

Co-host Katy Starr chats with Cindra Kerscher, Program Coordinator with The Livestock Conservancy and Laura Marie Kramer, Director of National Accounts for Standlee and owner of La Bella Farm.

Episode Notes

On this episode, co-host Katy Starr chats with Cindra Kerscher, Program Coordinator with The Livestock Conservancy and Laura Marie Kramer, Director of National Accounts for Standlee and owner of La Bella Farm about:


• What the Livestock Conservancy is and how it helps livestock breeds that are threatened or at critical survival levels

• One of the most challenging experiences raising rare breeds

• How livestock producers and even those who are completely unexperienced with livestock can support the survival of these rare breeds


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19:45 – 23 heritage sheep fiber profiles -

22:30 – Breed profiles for each species -


Why are heritage breeds endangered? 🤔

The Livestock Conservancy states that with modern agriculture favoring a few specialized breeds, traditional breeds have fallen out of favor. Small family farms where these breeds once thrived are disappearing at an alarming rate - and with them historic breeds are disappearing as well. 

Here is a list of species and breeds on their Conservation Priority list -

Find Resources available from The Livestock Conservancy here -

Learn more about the Shave ‘Em to Save ‘Em program here –


Keep up with The Livestock Conservancy:

Keep up with La Bella Farm:




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